Wednesday, January 21, 2009

100th Blog Post!!!

Today I am celebrating my 100th blog post! Bring out the noise-makers and maybe even a giant cake! Let's get it started in ha!

Let's have a little retrospective shall we?

Here are 10 notable posts from this blog:

FLAT News: None
FLAT News: Musical Completion
Updated Top 10 Most Played Songs
Guitar Thrill Thursday: Ozzy Osbourne - Mr. Crowley
Avoid Fraud
Correction and an Apology
Introducing Financial Fridays: Homeward Bound!
Quotation of the Week 12/30/08: Dale Carnegie
Quotation of the Week: 01/06/09: Rodman Philbrick
Wall Street Wednesday?

Enjoy a little Thunderstorm today by reviewing these fun posts.


Sara said...

Congratulations! 100 - that's big!

elopingcamel said...

Congrats on compiling such fine furry meats.