Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Quotation of the Week 09/24/08: Socrates

"Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others."

This is something important to remember in marriage. If it would upset you when your wife buys a car without telling you, certainly don't do that sort of thing to her! You fool! (I don't really think you're a fool. You're a good person. Remember that. You and those around you. Good people. Just look at 'em. Smiling like that. These people could be movie stars. Or at least sit-com stars. Don't give up hope. You could still be that sit-com star that you always wanted to be back when you were obsessed with Friends. It's not too late to be Joey.)

1 comment:

Ryan said...

There is a King of Queens episode there Doug does just that! By that, I mean buys a car without telling his wife. It also ties in nicely with your sit-com star comment, because I've always wanted to be Kevin James.