Friday, September 26, 2008

Another Game (Not iPod Related)

In the far corners of the Amazon, they play this game on Friday afternoons. (That's not true). I have tried it a couple times now and have been very pleased. If you are reading this in google reader, come to the actual blog. Look at this here blog, look at it real close. Now look at the top left hand corner of the window. Scan to the right until you see the words "next blog." After clicking that button come on back to me.

Okay, so it's not really a game, but lately I've tried it. I just click next blog and read the first post until I get bored of it, then click next blog again. A lot of them are in other languages. Make me wish I was bi-, or tri-lingual. If there is a cool picture posted, I save it to look at later. I've learned some cool things about the world and I'm amazed at what some people have accomplished! Take a look at some of the pictures I've saved:


elopingcamel said...

That last picture is amazing. Any clue where that is at? It looked like Lothlorien to me.

Jenna said...

not going to lie- sorta creepy that you saved the picture of a random little boy...steven?

Frown Like A Thunderstorm said...

The bridge picture was taken in Costa Rica. Some guy had a blog all about his travels in Costa Rica. People do amazing things. And Jenna, the boy is just cute and funny don't you think? He's like...dancing or something.