Monday, November 3, 2008

FLAT News: Luke! the Musical and Welcome Home

Luke! the Musical (also known as the 3 songs I wrote for Luke's Musical) are still available for download on myspace. Here's what people are saying about the songs:

"I'm listening to [Scene 1] right now and I just downloaded them. So far it is looking so good."
-John Cory, the missing link in Spanish poetry

"I already got them and listened to them, boom! I like them. I like the reprise thing at the end."
-Matt Hanks, the reason for the see-son.

"Just gave them a listen. They sound great! ...Maybe it'll build up some hype. :)"
-Luke Stay, the man who made it happen (more than one "it").

"Did you see the film and then make the music?"
-Misty Barrett, the Matron Saint of Rock Music

In other news,

Jenna was gone from me all weekend and I am so happy to have her back! Wife! Life! ...strife ...knife......

1 comment:

elopingcamel said...

Potato, Horatio. Potato, Horatio.